If This Were Not The Case

Copied from a booklet viewed at Washington County Public Library, Genealogy and Local History Library. Image of Marietta Times front page announcing Washington Country Clubhouse construction, courtesy Local History and Genealogy Department of Washington County Public Library. That group formed the Washington Country Club (“WCC”), purchased land where the current Marietta Country Club is located on Pike Street, and installed an 18 hole golf course. On the way back home, walking along the sea wall at the harbor we purchased a bag of Dulse (a type of dried red seaweed) for a halfpenny. Lew Peddinghaus was a jeweler whose business was purchased in 1918 and became Baker and Baker Jewelers. Due to oil’s dramatic price volatility, companies are spending more time analyzing their investments and internal operations to see where reductions or changes can take place while still maintaining the business and maximizing asset utilization. The oil business is fraught with risk and price risk is a huge factor.

We invested sufficiently in the past to process high sulphur crude oil. As the world industrialised and became increasingly dependent on crude oil (and later, natural gas), energy resources became ever more integral to the Great Game. I’ve heard that fracking is being carried out in the UK also, and although the UK is not really an earthquake zone, it sees they are getting more tremors than they used to. Numerous geologists are attempting to find out about the past atmospheres of Earth and how they have changed crosswise over time. It is then time for the larger rig to be set up so that drilling can begin in the lateral section of the well. The sulphur is currently removed by cooling the gases then passing them through a scrubber. Upon finishing the hole, he then carefully placed the chicken on the green laying down with its head folded under its wing. Back in the locker room the three could convince no one that they had found a chicken “sleeping” on the green.

One day Hoag caught one of the chickens and gave it to his caddy. Photo from S. Durward Hoag Marietta Times article in 1974 shared by Julie Lambert on Marietta Memories Facebook page. Scene at Marietta Country Club. I have often heard stories about the original Marietta Country Club (“MCC”). The Marietta Register of March 21, 1901 effusively announced the construction of the clubhouse. The article below trumpeted the construction of the clubhouse for the new club. 1,000 memberships but still needed multiple mortgage and bank loans for the construction. Hydropower is still the world’s major supplier of electricity by renewable energy. There were dozens of major industries thriving at the time. In the “New Great Game”, (NGG) of the modern era, the major rivalry is between US/NATO on one side and China, Russia, other members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and the likes of Iran, on the other. MCC became the social center of Marietta as members enjoyed the many activities at the club.

Several enjoyed national reputations -such as the Marietta Chair Company, Stevens Organ, stove manufacturer A. T. Nye and Son, and Strecker Brothers leather goods. Right now, it’s obvious that US national security interests are threatened by a combination of China and Russia. It’s important to emphasise that the pivot area does evolve/fluctuate with changes in geo-political reality. The late David McKain, oil industry veteran and local historian, documents in his book Where It All Began that this area truly had a pioneering role in the oil and gas industry. S. Durward Hoag was original owner of the Lafayette Hotel, local historian, and civic booster (he was a prime mover in the successful effort to have Interstate 77 routed through Marietta). There were lots of anecdotes about the old country club; one such was told by Mr. Hoag. But it seemed unlikely that Marietta could support two country clubs. The article concluded that “the success of the Marietta Country Club is well assured.” Can I get an amen?

Photo with caption from S. Durward Hoag Marietta Times article in 1974 shared by Julie Lambert on Marietta Memories Facebook page. But Marietta was prosperous then, probably more so than today. With the technological progression, machinery is becoming more and more advanced. The membership was listed as 160 with more to follow. This is well within our comfort zone of no more than 2.0, giving us confidence the company will be able to adequately manage its debt. Playing behind Hoag were three of his friends, Attorney Tom Summers, Eddie Williams, and Will. The pilot, stationed at an American naval air base for training, killed three Americans, and the attack is now being investigated as an act of terrorism. There were three brick yards. There is not a lot office space that can handle a large govt employee move to the Junction. With such a large proportion of the world’s oil and gas reserves found on the Eurasian land mass, this was easily accommodated within Mackinder’s theory.